The management of Turrones y Helados Onza de Oro is committed to working in accordance with a quality management and food safety system that is focused on customers, encourages continuous improvement of processes, and guarantees the safety, innocuousness and quality of our products. and establish a food safety culture in the company. To this end, it establishes the following guidelines and principles:
- Establish a quality and food safety system that guarantees compliance with the requirements of the IFS-Food and ISO 9001 standards, as well as the requirements of legislation and customers.
- Ensure the safety, legality and quality of the products manufactured and marketed.
- Know the needs and desires of our clients to provide them with an effective, efficient service that exceeds their expectations.
- Prevent and anticipate the future needs and expectations of customers to prepare and adapt to them and give added value to our product/service.
- Promote a culture of food safety through training programs that develop the skills and abilities in food safety of employees, so that they effectively contribute to ensuring the safety and quality of the products produced.
The management of Turrones y Helados Onza de Oro S.A. grants the Quality Area the authority to promote the indicated guidelines, as well as to disseminate and communicate this Policy to all employees.
The management of Turrones y Helados Onza de Oro S.A. wants this declaration of quality and food safety policy to be communicated, understood and applied within the company, and asks all company personnel for its application and collaboration.
In Jijona, on October 6, 2021.